
We are an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn and have provided many aligners to our patients. Here is a brief rundown of the treatment schedule at our clinic.

There are several forms of clear aligners with slightly different treatment schedules but, as an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn, we have begun providing one of the more popular forms. This brand only allows its products to be distributed via local partners and not direct online selves, thus allowing them to be used at the highest standard and not mis-sold or misrepresented as many products so commonly are in online marketing.

Clear aligners are transparent plastic forms that you wear over your teeth, similar to a gum shield, but they are much thinner and tighter. They have a similar function as braces; applying pressure to your teeth to move them over time. Because they are see-through, clear aligners are very subtle in everyday life, often going unnoticed even during face-to-face interactions.

All of our clear aligner patients start their journey with a consultation. During this is when our team discusses what the goals or clinical needs of the patient are and whether aligners would be appropriate. We would never suggest the use of an unnecessary treatment as it is unlikely to be effective.

Assuming aligners are a good choice, we can provide a 3D scan immediately after the consultation that will be used to create your aligners. This is a highly reliable method, done with the least amount of discomfort. It also gives us the ability to produce a simulation of your treatment, which you will be able to view in the clinic, showing the steps and motions that your teeth will go through during the realignment process.

Once the aligners have been manufactured, you will be able to collect them from the clinic and begin the treatment. You will have to use them sequentially, each one for about 2-weeks, moving on to the next aligner when the previous one begins to feel loose. You will have to wear your aligners for as long as possible as the recommended usage is 22 hours a day, removing them only to eat, drink and brush. Removing your aligners for longer periods will result in delayed treatment.

You will need to attend the clinic every 4-6 weeks simply to check whether everything is going well because this will allow us to catch any issues early on in the treatment. One of the things many of our patients enjoy about clear aligners is that you can see them working. From the second week onwards, you should be able to notice your teeth altering position, slowly becoming straighter and meshing better.

If you have any further questions for our Invisalign dentist in Welwyn or are curious about how clear aligners could help you, feel free to contact the clinic. We are open to receiving new patients and have returned to normal service after the recent disruption. We offer competitive fees and have financing options to spread out the cost of treatments.