
Having misaligned teeth is one of the most common issues adults have with their oral health in the UK. Yet many adults over the age of twenty-five may not realise that there are several treatment options available on the dental market.

We at Neel Dentistry in Welwyn are now offering one of the most modern treatment options available to our patients and would like others to understand how they can find this treatment. By reading the following article, it will give you a basic overview of the treatment and you will see the advantages of having an Invisalign dentist near me.

What makes this new treatment different

If you have searched for an Invisalign dentist near me, you would have come across a new type of aligner that looks quite different to the braces we knew in the past. Gone are the pieces of wire and metal that we all hated the thought of in our childhoods, in their place is a new sleek aligner that is almost see-through.

This new aligner has been designed to turn on its head all our traditional thinking about how our teeth have to be aligned, to get more potential patients to engage with treatment and improve their overall oral health.  Many people backed away from much needed braces in their teenage years, due to the fear of being pointed at by other children, but now, as adults, they can still receive treatment and it will come in a form that others will not be able to see.

Made from technologically advanced materials and custom made to fit the teeth of each individual patient, Invisalign is fast becoming the go-to modern aligner being recommended by most modern dentist practices. The treatment is made up of a series of aligners, each is used to help concentrate the treatment on different aspects of the tooth alignment process until the desired results are achieved.

The aligner device is also designed to be removed, allowing the patient to eat and drink normally. This also means the patient can remove their aligner for a short period if they experience any discomfort, putting it in place again once the discomfort has passed.

The normal treatment time scale is between twelve to eighteen months, this should be agreed upon in consultation with our dental professionals.

Prepare correctly before your treatment

You must prepare correctly before starting your treatment, as there may be an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay while going through the treatment process. For this reason, you must take care to practise a high standard of oral care, both while preparing for treatment and during the treatment itself.

Brushing and flossing your teeth, along with rinsing the mouth, are all good ways to ensure you maintain a good standard of oral hygiene. The aligner itself must also be kept clean. If you have any questions regarding oral hygiene, our dentist will be able to answer them for you.

Your next step

If you are an adult looking for tooth realignment treatment in this area, you will be happy to find that there is an Invisalign dentist near me at Neel Dentistry. We are a welcoming, highly dedicated and experienced team of dental professionals who would be pleased to devote our expertise to enhancing your smile with Invisalign.