
Here at Neel Dentistry, we are more than happy to provide Invisalign Welwyn to our patients. Although it has been in the clinic for a while, it does, sometimes, leave people with a few questions because of how unusual it is compared to the standard metal brace. Both treatments are effective in their own ways so it is important to talk to us during an initial consultation to see what would work best for you. So let’s try to clear up some misconceptions and answer the most common queries about Invisalign so that it doesn’t seem quite as daunting!

How long does it take?

The overall treatment time with Invisalign Welwyn will depend on the severity of the misalignment that is being corrected. Usually, 12 to 18 months is the maximum in complicated cases but, for strictly aesthetic cases, a few months may be sufficient. Because clear aligners allow you to see the change, you will be able to notice improvements within two weeks.

What does it feel like to wear an aligner?

Initially, aligners may feel somewhat unusual; they consistently apply pressure to your teeth and many patients describe this as a bit of a tight feeling. Not only does that quickly become normal and easily tolerated during daily life, but as the teeth adopt a new position, the aligner feels looser; this is an indication that it is time to move onto the next aligner in the series.

Do aligners hurt?

Aligners are very thin plastic forms that are fitted in a similar way as traditional braces. The fitting process involves having a scan of the inside of your mouth and is very non-invasive. The everyday use is also so relatively comfortable due to the absence of brackets, archwires or any other structures in the mouth that could abrade the inside of your cheeks.

What can clear aligners be used to treat?

Aligners can be used to alter the rotation and alignment of teeth to help them mesh together properly, allowing you to form a closed bite. This is useful in eating and talking as well as in improving the overall look of your teeth. Aligners are most useful on the front teeth and in aesthetic treatments but, although they can have a role in more complicated cases, a traditional orthodontic brace may be required for more severe malocclusions. Please discuss this with us and we can tailor your treatment to your specific case.

How will my teeth look after treatment?

Once we have taken the initial scan, we can produce a predictive vector map and sequence of how your teeth will look during and by the end of treatment; like a compressed flip book documenting the changes of your tooth position. If at the end of the treatment your teeth have not followed the predictive model as expected, there will be a few additional refinement aligners needed that are used to complete the treatment.

Would clear aligners be suitable for me?

To tell whether Invisalign Welwyn would be suitable, an assessment of your teeth would be required. We are currently accepting new patients and will be happy to provide an assessment for you or a family member if you are curious. Some providers will issue aligners based on online assessments from photographs but we do not consider this an appropriate use of clear aligners.