
In recent years we have witnessed some major changes in the fields of medical technology and understanding that have led to improvements in many areas of our health. One of the medical fields that this is evident in is dentistry, leading to the creation of new treatments and new ways of thinking about existing treatments.

One of the treatment areas in dentistry that has taken full advantage of new technologies is that of orthodontics, as it was recognised that there needed to be an alternative to traditional braces to get potential patients to engage with treatment. We at Neel Dentistry have decided to offer one of these alternative treatments and aim to become the leading Invisalign dentist in Welwyn.

So, what are the benefits?

By becoming an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn we can offer our clients a modern solution to treat misaligned teeth, to help them increase the standard of oral health they enjoy. Made from state-of-the-art materials, this new breed of aligner breaks through all the traditional thinking about the design of braces.

Gone are the more visually intrusive but highly effective traditional devices that we all commonly think about, in their place is a new almost invisible solution that is designed to sit comfortably in the mouth of the person wearing them. This helps to take away the fear of becoming an object of discussion and has led to an uptake in the number of adult patients deciding to participate in treatment.

The new breed of aligners

Invisalign aligners are created to be customised to meet the needs of the individual patient, by taking a mould or scan of the person’s mouth and teeth to base them on. The treatment involves a series of devices, that are changed every two weeks, to gain the desired results. The normal length of time required to complete treatment is twelve to eighteen months, this should be decided in consultation with a dental professional.

Once in place, the aligner will be difficult for others to see due to the way it is designed. This allows patients to feel confident during treatment, allowing them to smile all the way through with confidence.

These aligners are also designed to be removable. Meaning you can take them out when eating and drinking, this allows you to consume food and drink in the way you are used to. Should you feel any discomfort at times during treatment, you can remove your aligner for a short period and place it back in once the discomfort has passed.

Improve your bite

If you are someone who has misaligned teeth you may find that you have problems with your bite, making eating food hard work at times. Having your teeth realigned into the correct positions in your mouth may be the solution you are looking for.

Your next step

If you are interested in finding out more about an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn, then pleaseĀ  call us at Neel Dentistry to gain more information. The friendly staff are waiting for your call and will be able to take you through the process of booking a consultation.