
A groundbreaking form of orthodontic treatment, Invisalign has helped so many individuals on their journey to achieving an improved smile and healthy teeth. So if you are considering straightening your teeth, at our practice Neel Dentistry, we can help you achieve a better smile using Invisalign Welwyn.

What is Invisalign Welwyn

An alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of custom made aligners that slowly shift an individual’s teeth into position. Unlike traditional metal braces which are fixed to your teeth for the duration of the treatment, these aligners are not only clear but are removable, meaning they are practically invisible when worn and they also allow you to maintain good oral health.

Is Invisalign the best treatment for me?

At Neel Dentistry, Invisalign is used for our patients who have a variety of dental concerns including crowded teeth, to close gaps in between teeth and also teeth that are crooked.

Prior to starting the treatment, at Neel Dentistry we advise our patients to book an appointment to have a free consultation at our practice. At this appointment, we will use state of the art technology to take a 3D scan of your teeth which will be used to create a simulation of how your teeth will look once the treatment is complete.

If you are happy with this, we will then provide you with a Clincheck Check which is a 3D animated plan to show you how your teeth look before, during and after the treatment has been completed. This plan will then be used to make your custom made aligners which will gradually shift your teeth into position. It is recommended that you wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day for the best results. However because they are removable, you can take them off to eat, drink, brush and floss your teeth as normal.

You will be invited back to the practice on average around every four to six weeks in order for us to monitor the progress of your teeth and to also give you a new series of aligners. As directed by our dentist, you will be required to change your aligner on average every one to two weeks.

How painful is the Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign aligners are made to be as comfortable as possible and unlike traditional metal braces, there is no chance of the clear aligners irritating your cheeks or lips. However, when you first begin the Invisalign treatment, you may experience some minor discomfort as well as when you first change your aligners. This is due to the slight pressure of the aligners gently moving your teeth and this feeling usually subsides after a day or two.

Can I afford Invisalign Welwyn

At Neel Dentistry, our Invisalign treatment can start from £3000 to £6000 depending on how complex your dental issues are. We also offer our patients finance options to help you spread the cost of your treatment.

Whatever your dental concerns maybe, if you are looking to straighten your teeth and improve your smile, you can be confident that by visiting us at Neel Dentistry, you will be able to achieve a smile you will be proud of.